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Osato Laboratory Inc. appeared in "Successful Cases of Utilization of Management System" published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).


Front Page of "Successful Cases of Utilization of Management System"

Even in the manufacturing industry supporting Japan's national strength, cases of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been decreasing recently.

Under such conditions, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) conducted a hearing survey on 30 organizations, which develop their business actively utilizing management systems with originality regardless of the size of the organization.

Osato Laboratory Inc, certified with ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO22000 and FSSC22000, also received an interview by METI, and the article appeared in the booklet called "Successful Cases of Utilization of Management System" featuring how they utilized management system for "Prevention", invention on operations and ISO policies, etc.

The article is available on the METI website.
Clicking the following address takes you to the articles.

The article on Osato Laboratory Inc in the METI website:

Introduction of the METI hearing survey and the booklet on "Successful Cases of Utilization of Management System":

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