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For a long air travel ・・・


Immun'Age is advertised in the company news letter for pilots and flight attendants of Air France.

Our body is exposed to various radiations from nature every day.  We receive damage when flying in an air plane for a long time, because radiation is much stronger due to the high altitude.  FPP is very popular among airline pilots and flight attendants who work under such severe conditions. They need nutritional support for their brain in order not to make an error of judgment, because it is their duty to get recovered from fatigue quickly and provide passengers safe and pleasant flights.

It is such a pity if you can't enjoy oversea trips suffering from jet lag too long.  We would need a support to our body in order to adjust ourselves quickly to such circumstances.

For a long air travel
Air France
Advertisement in the news letter for pilots and flight attendants of Air France.
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